
Waste to Energy and Biomass

Waste to Energy and Biomass: Driving Resource Efficiency.

Yokogawa is uniquely solving for variability in the European waste ecosystem; treating every item as a resource, to fully maximize its value. Doing so, helps to close loops for circular economies and reinforce industrial symbiosis.

There is no standard in waste; every bit is different – in sizing, wet vs dry, chemical content, calorific value, and impurities, amongst others. Heterogeneity introduces process inefficiency, variability, and instability in waste processing across the waste management hierarchy.

Biomass, with all its available varieties, is a key energy source facing challenges, including cleaning, controlling emissions, and monitoring.

Yokogawa offers solutions to improve steam generation efficiency and reliability, focusing on innovative technology to tackle these issues and make biomass use sustainable with less environmental impact.

Non-linear reactions require precise and responsive measurement, control, and optimization. Connectedness between multiple supply chain intermediaries is required to maximize circularity. Solving variability in the waste and biomass ecosystem
ecosystem requires connectivity and agile technology, coupled with deep subject matter know-how in waste processing.

Is waste a problem or a resource?

Yokogawa is enabling one person’s trash to become another person’s treasure; increasing transparency and traceability, whilst removing challenges around uncertainty and the unknown.

Find out more

With Yokogawa, we safely, securely and smartly improve the operation, performance and profitability of waste ecosystems.
Deployed on on-premise, in the cloud and at the edge, our technology and know-how delivers.

Real-time transparency and traceability

Real-time transparency and traceability

Real-time optimization

Real-time optimization

Real-time control, safety, security and sensing

Real-time control, safety, security and sensing

Real-time information management

Real-time information management

Real-time analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML)

Real-time analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML)

Yokogawa … Integrator of all; driving resource efficiency across Europe.


Looking for more information on our people, technology and solutions?

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